We are global leaders in assessing matters. Our pillars of excellence go beyond adequance to fully support our mission, which is to assess matters that bear assessing. This includes all matters. If you can't assess it, you can't do it. Assessment feedback shows that the more pillars, the more excellence: stability as achievement. It's nearly impossible to topple a structure that is all pillars.
Outstanding communication is our primary pillar of excellence. To facilitate communication we offer a number of different webinars.
Our webinars include:
Accountability Management
Closing the Loop
It's Not Complicated! Shifting Paradigms in Learning to Learn
Evolving the Loop: Rubrics for Evaluating Assessment Cycles
Concentric Learning Outcomes: New Grammars in Teaching Teachers
Opening Pathway Quality for Pillar Assessment
What Matters Matters: Emotional Competencies in Assessment Management
Innovation and Improvement: Priorities in Flexible Evaluation
Planning and Summarizing Our Accomplishments: Summarizing Accomplishments and Plans
Implementation and Evaluation: Closing the Loo
Resiliency in Pillar Preparation: Building the Cycle
Assessing the Cycle and Assessing the Assessment Cycle: the Cycle of Cyclical Assessment
Sometimes the Loop Just Won't Close: Reassessing the Loop
Aligning Assessments and Objectives: Objectives in Assessment Aligning
Is Assessment Racist?
Data Improvement and Scaffolded Assessment
Assessment Tautologies: the Dragon Feeding the Dragon
Accounting in Webinars for Accountability Management
Systematizing the System: Looping the Loop Back into the Loop
Best Practices in Assessing Institutional Intelligence: You Only Know What You Can Know
Reinscribing Trauma in Assessment Practices: It Doesn't Have to Hurt But it Probably Will
What to Do When it Doesn't Really Matter: Assessing Failures in Assessing Failures.